Peavey Cemetery,
Dayton, ME
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in any way without my written permission. Thank you.
Click on any photo below for a full size version. All
transcriptions are exactly as they appear on the stone. Unreadable sections are
indicated by [ ] with the closest approximation of what I believe it had said.
If you get a "hit" please let me know so I will know this is a project
worth continuing.
This cemetery is located on River Road in Dayton.
Photos are by Jill Jakeman. These were submitted courtesy of Barbara De Marco. It is a partial transcription.
If you would like to contact her, write to: The notes at the bottom are Barbara's. Barbara also has shared some Vital
Records from this family. Click here to view. Her
site can be reached by the following link and
 Abraham Peavey
died Apr. 22, 1844
Aged 65
 [George] Peavey
[Oct. 2] 1852
AEt 6 m. 20 ds.
He sleeps in Jesus
Wipe the falling tear
He lives in glory
[ ]
Jan 1, 1862
AE 75 ys. [ ] mos
Feb 8, 1816
Mar 18, 1883
According to the Lyman and Dayton Record Book by John Eldridge
Frost (1966) the following individuals are also buried in this lot:
Thomas Peavey died Jan. 9, 1869, aged 58 yrs 6 mos.
John Staples died Oct 1828 aged 28.
P. Downs died Mar 18, 1821 aged 78 (This is most likely Phineas Downs,
Olive Peavey's father.)
Mary Downs died Nov. 23, 1829 aged 78. (Prob. Olive's mother)
Unknown died 30 Nov 1851 aged 21
Unknown Weymouth (Probably Sarah or Sally, daughter of Abraham Peavey who
married Ebenezer Weymouth.)
Copyright © 2001 Darlene Walsh. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 30, 2007 .