Reuben Goodwin Cemetery
Lebanon, Maine
Please feel free to use any of the photos shown for your personal records. However, you may not use them for publishing or profit in any way without my written permission. Thank you.
Click on any photo below for a full size version. All transcriptions are exactly as they appear on the stone. Unreadable sections are indicated by [ ] with the closest approximation of what I believe it had said. If you get a "hit" please let me know so I will know this is a project worth continuing. Please write if you have any information you would like to share about these families.
This cemetery is located on
Fall Road. It is not viewable from the road.
It is about 100 yards from the Libbey Cemetery.
Copyright © 2001 Darlene Walsh. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 12, 2007 .