First Page

"To My Friends:
My Album is a garden spot,
all my friends may sow,
Where thorns and thistles flourish not,
But flowers alone may grow.
Whith smiles for sunshine, tears for
I'll water, watch, and guard these flowers.
Dec. 25th 1888"

"Dear Lottie- When the
golden sun is setting, And your mind from care is free, When of others
you are thinking, Will you sometimes think of me. Ever thine, Eliza J.
Antworth Greenfield Feb 5th 1892"

"Mon Chere Lottiere
'It is not how long,
but how well we live.'
Yours Truly
M.W. B.
July 31st '89"

"Yours sincerely
Pauline Douglas Ballock Centreville"

"Lake Side Aug. 23rd 1895
My Dear Sister.
May your life be long and happy, And your smiles
be just as gay; Until some manly voice shall Wisper
'Dearest' will you
name the day: Yours Forever,
Lina M. Beacom"
 "Dear Mrs. Williams:-
True friends are like The ivy on the wall Both stand together Or
together fall. Your true Friend Bertie March 21st 1900"

To Lottie, There is a tiny
flower, That twines around the Shepherd's cot And in the silent
midnight hour It sweetly chimes, 'Forget me not' Lydia A. Briggs
July 31st 1889"

"Woodstock N.B. March 24th
1890 Friend Lottie Love many trust few. And always paddle your own
canoe Your Friend Cora E. Cluff"

"To Lottie. May you
live a happy life Get a good husband and be a good wife. Your
Cousin Lizzie Cluff"

"Friend Lottie:-
happiness be thy lot,
And peace thy steps attend;
Accept this tribute of
From one who is your Friend.
Yours Trully.
(G). W. Estey

"To my friend Mrs. Jos.
It is a satisfaction
to have a mans autograph when
more tangible is impossible.
You are very welcome to
Jos. E. Flewelling
Dec. 11th

"Dear Lottie..
If you
achieve to heavenly Joys. Think more of the Lord and less of the
From a Friend" |

"In after years when
turning to survey
The sacred page of many a happy day
Pause ere you turn
and kindly lend
A transient memory to your friend

My Dear Young Friend
My wish for
you is that
your life may be long and useful, filled
with those things
which are pure and
lovely and of good report.
Your sincere friend
J. K. King
Feb. 9th 1889"

"To a friend,
may you live
happy may you be
When you get married
think of me.
yours truely
Georgia E. Lindsay"

"Dear Lottie
May your life
be long and happy.
May your friends be good and true;
May you enter
gates of heaven.
When your work on earth is through.
Abbie Niles
Centreville Feb. 9th 1889"
"Aug 8th 1892 To Mrs.
Williams I've read your Album through. Where all too mcuh is said,
One half will never be believed The other never read Robt M

Isabel S. McIntosh

"Dear Friend Ive looked
your album oer and oer To see what others have wrote before So in this
lonely spot. I will inscribe Forget me not. Yours truly. Mrs.
Belle McLaggan Butte City Mont. January 8th 1901"

"Dear Lottie
Sailing down the river of life
In your little bark Canoe
May you always
have a pleasent time
And room enough for two
G. B. Reid
Glasville Mar 15"

"My Dear Friend In
the Book of life Gods Album May your name be penned with care
And may all who here have written Write there names forever there is the
wish of your old friend' Jermie Simmons Gt. Falls, NH
march 2nd 1892 while we are at home in NB"

Ruth A. Simmons. Great Falls.
New Hampshire. Box 19. March 2. 1892

"Dear Lottie
Friendship is a silken tie. That binds true Friends together And if we
never break that tie We may be friends forever. Your Friend
Ruthie Simmons Feb. 17, 1889"

"We met twas all alone
Yours Jamie C. Smith Lakeville July 24th '91"

"Forsan et lace olim
memmisse jarvabit-" Lizzie C. Smith July 24th shower

"Friend Lottie Lizzie
Wiggins Houlton Maine April 18 1894"

"Mifs Beckim
To thine own self be
true. and then if follows as the night the day, thou can'st not then Be
false to anyone. Yours sincerely Geo. M. Young"